Samsung’s Galaxy Note Edge shows that displays can be much more then they are right now. The curved display oft he Samsung Galaxy Note gives you additional controll over your phone and create a device that feels like something really new in todays market. Currently there is a first root method for the Galaxy Note Edge available, that uses the good old CF-Auto-Root. In this tutorial we will show you how you can root your Samsung Galaxy Note Edge.
In this tutorial we use the CF-Auto-Root method which triggers the internal KNOX counter of the phone. This voids your waranty and can be detected by Samsung. CF-Auto-Root also doesnt install a custom recovery like the ClockworkMod. Apps like TitaniumBackup and others that need root access work flawlessly.
Samsung Galaxy Note Edge Backup Tutorial
Google automatically saves your contacts but doesn’t sync other files on your device. Check the following tutorials to completely backup your device.
- Backup Apps, Pictures and Ringtones from your Android Device
- Android SMS Backup & Restore Tutorial
- Backup Android Call Logs with Call Logs Backup & Restore
Supported Samsung Galaxy Note Edge Models
The CF-Auto-Root method currently doesn’t support all of the Samsung Galaxy Note Edge models. We have a short list with devices that where tested (thanks to User UpInTheAir from XDA Developers). This list can change in the comming weeks, so we recommend you check out the official Chainfire CF-Auto-Root Website over at http://autoroot.chainfire.eu/
- SM-N915F
- SM-N915FY (Try this tutorial >> http://forum.xda-developers.com/show….php?t=2985411)
- SM-N915K (Korea)
- SM-N915L
- SM-N915R4
- SM-N915S (Korea > SKT)
Things we need
Before we startet the tutorial you will need to find out which of the following Packages was designed for your device. Get your Samsung Galaxy Note Edge and go to „Settings“ -> „About the Phone“. At the Bottom of the Page you will find the „Build Number“ of your phone.
- Samsung USB-Drivers
- Odin 3.09
- The CF-Auto-Root File (see above)
Samsung Galaxy Note Edge Root Tutorial
- Download the CF-Auto-Root Package for your device
- Download Odin 3.09 to your pc
- Download and install the Samsung USB-Drivers
- Disable the Reactivation lock on your device settings under „Settings“ -> „Security“ -> „Reactivation lock“ (this is really important so don’t skip this step!)
- Completly turn of your Samsung Galaxy Note Edge
- Start your Samsung Galaxy Note Edge while holding down „Volume Down“ and the „Home Button“ until you see the Download-Mode. Press „Power“ once to access into the Download-Mode
- Connect your Samsung Galaxy Note Edge to your PC (use the standard USB-Cable that came with the phone) and launch Odin
- If Odin is able to detect your phone, one of the ID:COM boxes should turn yellow (this needs to happen in order for the rest of the steps to work)
- Klick on „PDA/AP“ and select the previously downloaded CF-Auto-Root Image. Keep in mind that the CF-Auto-Root Files are compressed as .zip files. Those need to be extracted, the file we select unter „PDA/AP“ should have „.tar.md5“ at the end of the filename.
- Select the Checkboxes for „Auto Reboot“ and „F.Reset Time“ in ODIN, don’t select any other checkbox
- If you are ready with all the settings click on Start to launch the root process for your Samsung Galaxy Note Edge
- The root process should finish after a few minutes and your phone should reboot automatically into the recovery-mode (if your phone doesn’t reboot automatically you need to start over with this tutorial. In this situation we recommend to pull out the battery at step 4)
- As soon as your device reboots back into Android you can disconnect the phone from your pc
- Thats it, your Samsung Galaxy Note Edge Root is done 🙂
After rooting your Samsung Galaxy Note Edge
If you encounter Problems like reboots after the root do the following.
Launch SuperSU on your Smartphone. The App should now inform you that KNOW was detected and wants you to deactivate it. You will need to accept this and then wait until KNOX is deactivated (this can take up to 5 minutes). After this you should head over to your „system/app“ and „system/priv-app/“ folders and delete all apps that have „KNOX“ in the name. This should fix problems like unexpected reboots.