In dieser Anleitung zeigen wir euch, wie Ihr die OrDroid Custom Rom mit Android 4.3 und Sense UI 5.5 auf eurem HTC One installieren könnt. Für die Installation der Custom ROM benötigt Ihr einen Bootloader Unlock, Root sowie eine Custom Recovery wie z.B. den ClockworkMod. Passend dazu haben wir die folgenden Anleitungen für euch:
[tabs tab1=“OrDroid Features“ tab2=“OrDroid Changelog“]
[tab id=1]
OrDroid Custom Rom Features:
- Based on 3.62.401.1 firmware
- Android 4.3 with Sense UI 5.5
- Stock look, no visual changes
- Multi-language (WWE)
- Deodexed, Recompressed & Zipaligned using all latest tools
- Bloatware removed
- Unsecured boot.img
- Persistent ADB enabled
- SuperUser, Busybox, SQLite
- OpenVPN support
- Init.d scripts support
- Sysro/sysrw commands support
- System signatures check enabled for security and safety
- Performance optimizations
- Memory optimizations
- Ramdisk tweaks
- Option to remove apps (AROMA installer)
- Option to install additional mods (AROMA installer)
- Excellent battery life!
- All applications updated to the latest version
- Support almost 24 hours a day
- …and many more!
[tab id=2]
21.0.0 - Rebased on 3.62.401.1 firmware. - Updated Busybox. - Updated Google Play Store. - Updated Google Chrome. - Updated YouTube. - All previous mods and tweaks are included. - Other changes and fixes. 20.1.1 - Improved camera quality (Thanks baadnewz). - Enabled call recording (Thanks baadnewz). - Updated Google Music. 20.1.0 - Fixed ODEX option in AROMA. - Replaced HTC Notes with Scribble. - Enabled Panorama 360. - Updated Google Maps. - Updated Google Books. 20.0.0 - Rebased on 3.57.401.500 firmware. - Updated Android version to 4.3. - Updated SenseUI version to 5.5. - Updated all data apps. - All previous mods and tweaks are included. - Other changes and fixes. 9.2.1 - Fixed installation error with CWM recovery. - Added option to enable long press back to kill app - Thanks gharrington. - Updated Google Chrome. - Updated AdAway. - Updated Facebook. - Updated Twitter. - Updated Xposed Framework. 9.2.0 - Updated AROMA installer to version 2.70 RC2. - Updated Xposed Framework. - Updated AdAway. - Updated Google Plus. - Updated Twitter. - Updated ES File Explorer. 9.1.0 - Added call recording mod by default again. - Fixed adaway removal part. - Fixed /data/app doubled applications issue. - Updated Google Now. - Updated ES File Explorer. - Updated Kid mode. 9.0.0 - Rebased on 2.24.401.8 firmware. - Updated Google Chrome. - Updated Google Hangouts. - Updated Google Maps. - Updated Google Music. - Updated Google Plus. - Updated Dropobx. - Updated TuneIn Radio. - Updated YouTube. - Updated Apex Launcher. - Updated Nova Launcher. - Cleaned build.prop. - Other minor changes and fixes. 8.4.0 - Updated AROMA installer to version 2.70 RC1. - Updated SuperUser. - Updated Google Play Books. - Updated Google Play Store. - Other minor changes and fixes. 8.3.1 - Updated Facebook. - Updated Twitter. - Updated TuneIn Radio. - Updated Nova Launcher. - Updated Google Maps. - Updated Google Play Store. - Updated Google Play Services. 8.3.0 - Updated Apex Launcher. - Updated Facebook. - Updated SoundHound. - Updated AdAway hosts file. - Added Google Chrome. - Added Google Play Books, Magazines, Music and Videos. - Added option to remove HTC Backup, Get Started and Transfer Tool. - Removed additional widgets from HTC DNA. - Fixed and cleaned updater-script. - Other minor changes and fixes. 8.2.6 - Enabled call recording by default. - Reverted to stock browser. - Updated Google Hangouts. - Updated ES File Explorer. - Other minor changes and fixes. 8.2.5 - Updated Busybox. - Updated AdAway hosts file. - Updated Google Play Store. - Added option to install LagFix (fstrim). - Unlocked unlimited tabs in browser - Thanks mwilky. - Enabled debug mode in browser - Thanks mwilky. - Removed more unnecessary files. - Other minor changes and fixes. 8.2.2 - Added Volume2Camera mod - Thanks Matt. - Updated Google TalkBack. - Updated ES File Explorer. - Cleaned build.prop - Other minor changes and fixes. 8.2.1 - Enabled development settings by default. - Disabled show me, quick tips and help. - Added missing icons to AROMA installer. - Other minor changes, fixes and improvements. 8.2.0 - Changed remove keyboards to install keyboards. - Updated Twitter. - Updated Google Maps. - Updated Google Play Store. - Updated Google Play Services. - Other minor changes, fixes and improvements. 8.1.0 - Added option to enable CRT off animation - Thanks mwilky. - Added some widgets from Butterfly ROM - Thanks S2kT68m, boa19861105. - Added more language support. 8.0.0 - Rebased on 2.24.401.1 firmware. - Added option to enable call recording support. - Added option to install LagFix (fstrim). - Updated Adobe Flash Player. - Updated Dropbox. - Updated ES File Explorer. - Updated Facebook. - Updated Google Maps. - Updated Google Plus. - Updated Twitter. - Updated TuneIn Radio. - Updated AdAway hosts file. - Cleaned build.prop. - Other minor changes and fixes. 7.3.2 - Updated Gmail. - Changed QuickSettings order. - Added widget lockscreen support. - Other minor changes and fixes. 7.3.1 - Fixed bootloop issue. - Other minor changes and fixes. 7.3.0 - Updated Apex Launcher. - Updated Twitter. - Updated TuneIn Radio. - Updated Google Now. - Updated AROMA installer to version 2.70 BETA6. - Other minor changes and fixes. 7.2.0 - Improved hot reboot fix - Thanks Riyal. - Updated AROMA installer to version 2.70 BETA1 - cleaner look, faster and freezes free. - Removed model checking from updater-script to avoid issues with CWM recovery. 7.1.5 - Updated Facebook. - Updated Twitter. - Updated Kid Mode. - Updated Google Plus. - Updated Nova launcher. - Updated AdAway hosts file. - Updated Adobe Flash Player. - Improved extended app drawer - Thanks mwilky. - Fixed hot reboot for S-OFF users - Thanks steal25. 7.1.1 - Fixed volume wake mod. - Removed more unnecessary files. 7.1.0 - Added Advanced Power Menu - Thanks Dunc001, baadnewz, j4n87. - Added menu support to Prism - Thanks mwilky. - Updated Gmail. - Updated YouTube. - Updated Hangouts. - Removed more unnecessary files. - Other minor changes and fixes. 7.0.0 - Rebased on 2.17.401.1 firmware - Thanks mike1986.. - Updated Twitter. - Updated ES File Explorer. - Updated Google Play Store. - Updated BusyBox binary. - Improved battery percent mod. - All previous mods, tweaks and fixes included - No Sprint support ATM. - Added option to remove Chinese hand writing keyboard. 6.4.3 - Fixed and improved Sprint HTC One support. 6.4.2 - Fixed camera for Sprint HTC One - Thanks baadnewz. - Fixed volume wake on deep sleep - Thanks hansbert. - Updated Adobe Flash Player. - Updated AdAway app and hosts file. - Other minor changes and fixes. 6.4.1 - Fixed updater-script. 6.4.0 - Added support to Sprint HTC One - Need testing. - Improved Kid Mode removal. - Other minor changes and fixes. 6.3.3 - Fixed odexing process. 6.3.2 - Fixed Kid Mode removal. - Changed odex process, now ROM will be odexed in recovery - Thanks baadnewz. - Updated ES Files Explorer. - Other minor changes and fixes. 6.3.1 - Minor fixes and improvements. 6.3.0 - Update Dropbox. - Updated Google Plus. - Update Apex Launcher. - Made quick settings optional in AROMA. - Fixed AT&T WiFi tether and password bug - Using old homeslice976 workaround. - Fixed disable exchange security mod - Thanks torxx. - Added option to install extended app drawer - Thanks he_stheone64. 6.2.0 - Improved T-Mobile WiFi tether fix. - Fixed WiFi tether for AT&T. - Disabled scrolling cache. - Improved /system performance by running fstrim. - Other minor changes and fixes. 6.1.0 - Fixed WiFi tether for AT&T and T-Mobile. - Added option to odex ROM on first boot. - Added option to disable power saver notification. - Hopefully fixed AT&T WiFi password bug. 6.0.0 - Rebased on 1.29.401.16R firmware - Thanks mike1986.. - Updated Dropbox. - Updated Facebook. - Updated Apex Launcher. - Updated Google Now. - Updated Google Talk (Hangouts). - Updated Google Talkback. - Updated Google Play Store. - Added native HTC quick settings - Credits Team Venom. - Added Chinese translation to APM - Thanks yhd4711499. - Fixed broken PNGs inside SystemUI. - Fixed disable exchange security mod - Thanks baadnewz. - Fixed remember WiFi password - Thanks torxx. - Rezipaligned using SDK r22. - Other minor changes and fixes. 5.1.0 - Updated Xposed. - Updated Twitter. - Updated Kid Mode. - Updated Nova Launcher. - Updated TuneIn Radio. - Updated Google Maps. - Updated Google Play Services. - Updated preload apps. - Improved AT&T and T-Mobile compatibility. 5.0.0 - Rebased on 1.29.401.16 firmware - Thanks mike1986.. - Updated SuperUser. - Updated Facebook. - Updated Apex Launcher. - Updated ES File Explorer. - Updated AdAway hosts file. - Enabled ADB by default - Thanks -viperboy-. - Fixed SQLite binary. - Improved kernel flashing script - Thanks mike1986.. - Other minor changes and fixes. 4.2.0 - Fixed AT&T and T-Mobile signal icons. - Added WiFi calling support for T-Mobile users. 4.1.0 - Fixed HTC Widgets - Thanks he_stheone64. - Added AT&T signal icons to AT&T addons - Thanks homeslice976. - Added T-Mobile support to AROMA installer. - Updated ES File Explorer. 4.0.0 - Rebased on 1.29.401.13 firmware - Thanks mike1986.. - Fixed paid apps issues - Thanks mike1986.. - Updated Google Play Store. - Updated SoundHound. - Updated AdAway hosts file. - Added more language support. - Added AT&T support to AROMA installer - Thanks mike1986.. - Removed more unnecessary files. - Other minor changes and fixes. 3.0.0 - Rebased on 1.29.401.12 firmware. - Fixed paid apps issues. - System stability improvements. - Location service updates. - HTC Zoe: Sound quality improvements. - Camera: Parameter fine-tuning. - Beats Audio: Sound experience enhancements. - Improved Advanced Power Menu. - Updated Google Play Store. - Updated ES File Explorer. - Updated AdAway hosts file. - Cleaned ramdisk. - Added option to disable power saver notification. - Added option to install Facebook Home launcher. - Added option to install OrDroid boot animation - Thanks deagleone. - Other minor changes and fixes. 2.9.5 - Improved Advanced Power Menu. - Updated Dropbox. - Updated Facebook. - Updated Google Play Services. 2.9.0 - Fixed Kid Mode removal. - Fixed xposed installation. - Updated Kid Mode. - Updated Twitter. - Updated Google Play. - Updated ES File Explorer. - Updated Adobe Flash Player. - Disabled system write protection - Thanks flar2. - Cleaned ramdisk. - Other minor changes and fixes. 2.8.6 - Added option to remove HTC Sense TV. - Added ES File Explorer. - Updated Google Search. - Updated YouTube. - Updated Nova launcher. - Other minor changes and fixes. 2.8.5 - Added menu to Sense launcher - Thanks mwilky and steal25. - Added bigger OrDroid banner to AROMA. - Updated Twitter. - Updated Google Plus. - Updated Tune In Radio. - Other minor changes and fixes. 2.8.0 - Added option to disable 3-Dot menu. - Added option to install Xposed. - Updated Superuser. - Other minor changes and fixes. 2.6.5 - Fixed Dialer and Contacts FC. - Improved battery percent mod. - Updated AdAway hosts file. 2.6.0 - Added option to remove Kid Mode. - Updated Kid Mode and moved it to /data. - Updated SoundHound. - Improved Advanced Power Menu. - Improved battery percent mod. - Fixed installation error. - Other minor changes and fixes. 2.5.1 - Fixed installation error. 2.5.0 - Cleaned and fixed updater-script. - Made /system partition writeable - Thanks flar2. - Updated Gmail. - Updated Google Plus. - Updated AROMA icons to Sense 5. - Other minor changes and fixes. 2.2.0 - Added option to install battery percent mod. - Added option to install volume wake mod - Updated Adobe Reader. - Updated AdAway hosts file. 2.1.1 - Updated preload data apps - Thanks paulobrien. - Other minor changes and fixes. 2.1.0 - Included xHausx S-ON kernel installer script. - Updated Google Play Store. - Cleaned ramdisk. 2.0.0 - Rebased on 1.28.401.7. - Fixed paid apps in the Google Play. - Improved APM icons. - Cleaned ramdisk. - Updated AdAway. - Updated Gmail. - Updated Facebook. - Updated SuperUser. - Other minor changes and fixes. 1.2.0: - Added Advanced Power Menu - Thanks lesscro for icons. - Other minor changes and fixes. 1.1.0: - Updated Google Maps. - Updated Adobe Rader. - Fixed few minor bugs. 1.0.0: - Initial Release.
[highlight color=“eg. yellow, black“]Bevor der Root-Vorgang durchgeführt wird, müssen alle Daten des Smartphones gesichert werden.[/highlight]
Backup Anleitungen
Google sichert eure Kontakte automatisch und ladet nach der ersten Anmeldung durch euren Google Account auch alle Apps automatisch herunter die Ihr auf dem jeweiligen Gerät verwendet habt. Für alle anderen Daten findet Ihr nachfolgend die passenden Anleitungen.
- Android Apps, Fotos und Klingeltöne sichern
- Android SMS sichern und wiederherstellen
- Android Anrufprotokoll sichern und wiederherstellen
HTC One Android 4.3 OrDroid Custom Rom installieren
Was wir benötigen
Wichtige Informationen
- Verwendet immer einen USB-Anschluss von der Rückseite eures PCs (direkt am Motherboard)
- Verwendet immer das mitgelieferte USB-Kabel
- Verwendet nur ein komplett aufgeladenes Gerät
- Erstellt vor dem Root / Unlock oder der Installation einer Custom Recovery immer ein Backup von eurem Gerät
Unterstützte Betriebssysteme
- Windows XP
- Windows Vista
- Windows 7
- Windows 8
HTC One Android 4.3 OrDroid Custom Rom installieren Anleitung
- Ladet euch die OrDroid Custom Rom herunter und kopiert die Datei direkt in das Hauptverzeichnis des internen Speichers eures HTC One
- Schaltet euer Gerät aus und startet in den Recovery-Mode mithilfe der Tastenkombination Volume Down + Power
- Im ClockworkMod wählt Ihr jetzt den Punkt „Install zip from sdcard“
- Wählt jetzt „choose zip from sdcard“ und wählt die im Schritt 1 kopierte ROM-Datei aus
- Bevor Ihr den Recovery-Modus verlässt solltet Ihr noch den Dalvik Cache über den Recovery-Modus leeren
- Startet euer Gerät jetzt über den Menüpunkt „reboot system now“ neu. Beim ersten Start könnte es etwas länger dauern, bis euer Gerät gestartet ist, danach sollte alles aber wie gewohnt laufen.